Commercial Projects

We Provide Solutions

Large and medium scale projects are our speciality. We have delivered solutions to some of the largest developers and construction entities in Auckland.

Call us and see how we can supply your project with high quality, custom designed steel product at costs that will have your CFO overjoyed.  
Phone Paula: +642102274438, or

"We were searching for a cost and time effective solution to ensure our customer, and their project, finished with a look that enhanced the design of the building, and worked with the style of the location. Paula and Kurt from Tiny Anvil delivered. I highly recommend them."

Alistair Taylor, Blackwater Consulting 

The Sargeson Apartments

A fantastic project on Anzac Street in Takapuna. 2 container loads of 3mm thick black powder coated planters delivered by Tiny Anvil and then installed by Alistair at Blackwater Consulting and Kidd Contractors and planted by Natural Habitats. A great team effort.

Jalcon Apartments

Tiny Anvil 1200mm black powder coated trough planters perfectly complimenting the newly built Jalcon Homes townhouses in Hobsonville.

Papakura Town Centre

A new lease on life was given to Papakura's Town Square with a combination of large Tiny Anvil tapered black powder coated planters and corten cubes. The surrounding streets were also given a lift with our large planters and a number of smaller black powder coated 1000mm trough planters.

Commercial Bay

Natural Habitats needed a fast alternative option and we were there to deliver. They rung us on Tuesday and the planters were delivered and ready for the opening on Thursday morning.

Need Custom Steel? Get in touch.

Enter your details and message below and we'll get in touch asap


We love to hear from you on our customer service, merchandise, website or any topics you want to share with us. Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated. Please complete the form below.

18a Industry Road Penrose, Auckland

0800 44 55 66

Annette / 02117028580

Paula / 02102274438

Limited Hours
Mon - Fri 9am-3pm

Other Times By Appointment