Victoria Lane in Remuera


expect, and require, the best when it comes to those finishing touches that work to bring the architecture, and design together. Victoria Lane in Remuera, with its location, and its incredibly high standard of finish, was no exception. We at Tiny Anvil have an acute understanding of the needs of landscape designers and developers when it comes to those very important finishing touches, and we were delighted to be asked to collaborate with the developer to ensure his vision came to life, exactly as he saw it.We worked with the developer directly on the designs for the aluminium planters that line the drive, as well as the spectacular, and incredibly tall, planter and support features that frame the grand entrance to the building. We were able to deliver early, and worked in with the construction schedule to provide direct delivery.

As with the many fine developments that we have been lucky to be a part of, our contribution to the finished look at Victoria lane is something we are very proud of. Landscape design features are in our DNA, and achieving a spectacular outcome, as we have had with Victoria Lane, is something that we strive to do again and again.


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