When to plant out planter boxes? Now, is perfect!

Paula Schultz
When to plant out planter boxes? Now, is perfect!

Isn't it wonderful... we live in a country that possesses a variety of climates, and throughout most of them a gardener can enjoy their craft year round.

But, the question of the day is, when to get those planter boxes going? Well, the short answer is now, coming into winter.

It may be cooler, however the regular precipitation will ensure that you plants, no matter what they are, will get the right start with the least amount of effort from you.

A planter box that is sufficient to sustain your plant of choice is important. Have some fun, expand your learning and do some research on what size works best, what growing medium works best, and exactly what the plants prefer as far as water and food, and of course don't be afraid to ask your landscape designer or garden nursery experts what they think when you are buying the plants; they are in the business, and they will have an excellent repertoire when it comes to what works best.

For me, I love a good sub-tropical for the Auckland region; olives and dwarf citrus are two of my favorite. For the right area of the property I include tropicals like frangipani, coffee, and I even have a couple of pineapples that I grew from seed.

Or perhaps you just enjoy the simplicity of a good crop of native grass, poking out, and spilling over the side of one of our taller planters. Creating an inviting entrance for your home, or pathway to the back garden, is easily accomplished with one of our tall column style planters.


Regardless, take the opportunity of the wet weather, and give your plants the best start to their lives with you.

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